
Good night Changhua
Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
地址No. 430-1, Sanmin Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
Founded in 1996, Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant is a reputable old restaurant that serves primarily Sichuan and Shanghai cuisines. Services include table banquet, soiree, banquets, drinks, wedding reception and catering, etc. Chef with several decades of culinary experience is in charge of the kitchen, where the finest ingredients are used to prepare authentic flavored dishes. The friendly service has been very well received among patrons. Now into its 18th year in business, the restaurant remains a well-known establishment that serves high quality food to the people of Changhua. Picturesque Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
Magnificent Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
Grand Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
特聘數十年資歷的老師傅親自掌廚,嚴選上等食材,菜色道地,服務親切備受好評,開幕To今已跨入第18年,To今方能屹立不搖,為Changhua County市鄉親提供良好的餐飲服務。
Glamorous Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
Gorgeous Linyuan Chuan Food Restaurant
  • Types
    Restaurants info,Gourmet snacks
  • Telephone
  • Opening hours
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