Beautiful Changhua
Lukang Assembly Hall
No.72, Putou St., Lukang Township
Attraction sites特色
Lukang Assembly Hall used to be Wanchun Gong Suhu Laoyeh Temple and was established as the publicassembly place in 1928. It was renamed
Chung Shan Hall after Taiwan Restoration.
It was once used as a senior citizens center and was renamed Lukang Culture Center after renovation.
The framework of the roof of Lukang Assembly Hall constructed by wood and steel trusses, and the top of the roof was paved with cement tiling.On the left wall was a wooden monument about the local gentlemen's donating money to build the hall. The article was composed by then President of Li Club Fu Xichi and was written on the monument by a local gentleman named Chuang Taiyueh to mention how local gentlemen donated money to help finish the construction. It was an important record to Assembly Hall. Lukang Township Office is now in charge of Lukang Assembly Hall.
Lukang Assembly Hall
Epic Lukang Assembly Hall-2
The framework of the roof of Lukang Assembly Hall constructed by wood and steel trusses, and the top of the roof was paved with cement tiling.On the left wall was a wooden monument about the local gentlemen's donating money to build the hall. The article was composed by then President of Li Club Fu Xichi and was written on the monument by a local gentleman named Chuang Taiyueh to mention how local gentlemen donated money to help finish the construction. It was an important record to Assembly Hall. Lukang Township Office is now in charge of Lukang Assembly Hall.
Epic Lukang Assembly Hall-1
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